Welcome to episode 9.5 A and B of The Extra Mile Podcast – JEFF GALLOWAY EDITION!!
How do you eat an elephant? Why, one bite at a time of course! So that’s exactly how we will eat this LARGE episode.
Part A will be our chat with Olympian Jeff Galloway and Coach Chris Twiggs. Then we will give you all about 24 hours to digest that before we feed you Part B.
Part B will include a conversation with the folks at Oladance. The makers of the Oladance Wearable Stereo as well as another chat at the Extra Mile Runners Round Table!
Lots to digest!! So lets get to it….
Check out some very cool stuff mentioned in this episode:
Jeff’s Customized Training Plan
Chris Twiggs and his Mind of the Marathoner video
The Extra
Mile Podcast SWAG PAGE
Bands Etsy Page, Use TEMP20 for 20% discount
Jeff Galloway Running Coach App
OladanceWearable Stereo Headsets
Please don’t forget to support our amazing sponsor
● sQoosh Bands.. MORE than a sweatband!
again for downloading the show and giving us an hour or so of your time.
We invite your comments, questions, and training updates either in a 1-2 minute
audio submission to podcast@jeffgalloway.com. We would love to add your voice
to the next episode!
Please don’t forget to subscribe to the NEW PODCAST FEED! Please search for “The
Galloway Extra Mile Podcast” wherever you get your podcasts.
Download the episode by clicking HERE
our next episode, you all enjoy your Extra Mile.