Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Extra Mile Podcast - JEFF GALLOWAY EDITION - Episode 4.7

Welcome to episode 4.7 of The Extra Mile Podcast – JEFF GALLOWAY EDITION!!

EXCITING things coming in the next few weeks so we try our best to help you get through ALL of it… You’re welcome  ;-)

In this episode we discuss all the BIG news surrounding the Jeff Galloway Half Marathon Weekend coming up in Atlanta! Whether you are joining us IN Atlanta or virtually, it’s time to catch up on all our plans and make sure YOU are included! It’s all HERE!!

Please check out all the Holiday Gift Ideas mentioned in this episode. They are all worth your consideration! And tell them The Extra Mile sent you!

Check out some very cool stuff mentioned in this episode:
     Meet Billy Mills
     Jeff’s Retreats
     Turtle Towels

Please don’t forget to support our amazing sponsor

Thanks again for downloading the show and giving us an hour or so of your time.

We invite your comments, questions, and training updates either in a 1-2 minute audio submission to podcast@jeffgalloway.com. We would love to add your voice to the next episode!

Please subscribe in iTunes using the link to the right or download the show by clicking HERE.

Until our next episode, you all enjoy your Extra Mile.