Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Extra Mile Podcast – JEFF GALLOWAY EDITION – EPISODE 3.4

Well, did YOU do your homework? Did YOU pick a fall race to run WITH all of us?  If not, the good news is that you still have time. We will wait at the starting line for you! Pick your race and tell us all about it!

As promised, in this episode we did even deeper into Run/Walk/Run and discuss in detail the LLLOOONNNGGG Run. How far, how fast, how often…  So dig in!

Please take a few minutes to check out the GREAT Extra Milers below while you are visiting.


Check out a few people who help this podcast continue and deserve your clicks:

Thanks again for downloading the show and giving us an hour or so of your time.

We invite your comments, questions, and training updates either in a 1-2 minute audio submission to .We would love to add your voice to the next episode!

Please subscribe in iTunes using the link to the right or download the show by clicking 

Until our next episode, you all enjoy your Extra Mile.